Why Bespoke?
The Rationale Behind Bespoke
In the vast array of cigar offerings, the line between quality and value has often been blurred. Bespoke was born from our realization that it’s possible, and indeed essential, to offer both. Unlike brands that prioritize one over the other, Bespoke is committed to an unparalleled blend of superior construction and outstanding tobacco, all without sacrificing value. Our rationale is simple: Why settle? Why not have a cigar that reflects not just craftsmanship but also practical wisdom? Bespoke serves as the embodiment of this principle, a testament to what is possible when quality meets value. By leveraging our long-standing relationships with the world’s finest tobacco farmers and skilled artisans, we have curated a selection of cigars that defy industry norms. These relationships not only result in cost benefits but grant us first-choice access to exceptional materials. So, when we say “Bespoke by Puroexpress,” know that you’re opting for a brand with a well-thought-out philosophy—one that honors the smoker’s intelligence as much as their palate. In a world where choices are plenty but meaningful options are few, Bespoke exists as a curated experience for those who seek to elevate their standards without lightening their wallets unduly.
January 9, 2023
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