Discover the Davidoff Master Blenders: A Symphony of Complexity in a Petit Panetela Cigar
Experience the exquisite craftsmanship of the Davidoff Master Blenders with their small format cigar that embodies complexity and the signature Davidoff balance. This medium filler cigar features a blend of premium tobaccos from Ecuador, Sumatra, the Dominican Republic, and the unique Condega tobacco from Nicaragua, aged in Scotch casks for a more robust flavor profile.
Wrapped in a shiny, dark brown Habano seed wrapper grown in Ecuador, this Petit Panetela measures 38 x 4, making it perfect for those shorter moments of contemplation as the sun sets. When lighting this cigar, aficionados will savor notes of dark coffee and leather, with developing undertones of pepper and wood. Towards the final third, hints of spice emerge, maintaining the sophisticated taste and complexity Davidoff is renowned for.
Inspired by the rich character of Winston Churchill and life’s precious moments, this delightful cigar promises a taste experience like no other. Indulge in the Davidoff Master Blenders’ creation for a refined and multi-faceted smoking experience.
Cigar Type : Petit Panatela Cigar Length : 4″ Cigar Ring Gauge : 38 Cigars Per Box : 5×5 Cigar Strength:
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