These little gems are an excellent cigar for those with little time on their hands to enjoy a puff of cuban magic, or for the summer barbecue for people to pick up at will.
Mini cigars with a flavour which has the greatest presitge in the world of tobacco -machine rolled in Cuba. The leaves used for the tobacco are taken from the same plants which are harvested for world famous premium hand made Havana cigars.
Each box contains 10 mini machine made Cuban cigars.
Cigar Type: Cigarillo
Ring Gauge:19
Cigar Length: 2.2″
Cigars Per Box: 100
Cigar Strength:
Due to new shipping laws we are only permitted to ship two (2) boxes per order. If you wish to order more than two boxes you can do so by placing another order.
You must allow a minimum of 8 weeks from the date your order is shipped for it to arrive with you. When you order successfully you will reach a confirmation screen and receive a confirmation email. Make sure you check your spam/junk mail folder because many times they arrive there.
Delivery times vary considerably at this time and packages may take 10 days to 10 weeks to arrive. If this makes you anxious, please do not order at our shop.
By shopping with us you are confirming that you understand that once you purchase we will ship it as usual, but that it may take a long time and these delays are outside of our control.
We have been online since 1997, your order may take shorter or longer to arrive, but it will. Make sure you are comfortable with this before you purchase.