Indulge in the exquisite allure of the Cohiba Siglo de Oro, a Cuban masterpiece revered among cigar aficionados. Its captivating Colorado claro wrapper and firm construction promise the pinnacle of quality. Delight in aromas of green tea, white pepper, and subtle earthy tones.
Crafted with leaves from the esteemed Vuelta Abajo plantations in Pinar del Río, known worldwide for superior tobacco, this cigar features long fillers ensuring a slow, even burn.
In an elegant “Exitosos” format measuring approximately 4.5 inches in length and 0.84 inches in diameter (ring gauge 54), this cigar offers a 30 to 45-minute smoking experience. Its refined strength presents a subtle fusion of flavors reflecting the nobility and passion of tobacco cultivation.
Presented in a limited production box of 18 handmade cigars, each embedded with an NFC chip for authenticity verification, the Cohiba Siglo de Oro is a coveted treasure for collectors and connoisseurs alike.
Discover the golden era of Cohiba with Siglo de Oro, an epitome of tobacco artistry that invites you to savor every moment and be enchanted by its exceptional perfection.