El Baton, originally handcrafted by J.C. Newman in 1914 with Cuban tobacco, enjoyed popularity until the rise of machine-made cigars in the 1920s. In 2008, J.C.’s grandsons, Eric and Bobby Newman, revived the brand as their inaugural Nicaraguan cigar. Grown in Nicaragua’s fertile regions, El Baton offers a smooth, robust smoke with a hint of spice. Initially available as the Double Torpedo, the brand expanded to include Double Toro, Robusto, and Belicoso sizes, garnering acclaim, including a 91 rating from Cigar Aficionado. This isn’t your grandfather’s stogie; it’s a bold, affordable cigar, boasting full-bodied Nicaraguan tobacco that delivers an unexpectedly spicy kick, providing aficionados with a premium experience at an accessible price point.
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